Kids Voting USA is a nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program committed to creating lifelong voting habits in children, increasing family communication about engaged citizenship, and encouraging greater adult voter turnout.

Kids Voting USA relies on its over twenty-five year history (since 1988), continual feedback from educators, and experience of their Affiliates when developing the model to implement programming. 

The programming model operates with five key components:

  1. Strong curricula for grade levels K-12, that offer easily implemented, interactive lessons at no cost to the schools.
  2. Choice of mock election processes to meet the individualized needs of the schools: paper ballots, electronic voting software, and/or a combination of both.
  3. Activities to involve families in teaching their children their own voting values.
  4. Educator support through local Affiliates to provide assistance with ballot creation, volunteers for activities, and resources needed for teaching civic lessons and creating voting habits.
  5. Continuing research on impact and effectiveness.

Kids Voting USA believes it is of primary importance to utilize local Affiliates for Educator support. The local Affiliates offer the schools the assistance needed so the already over-burdened Educator is not handed one more responsibility with no support offered. 

If there is not a local Affiliate in your area, Educators can contact Kids Voting USA directly for access to the curricula, the software voting tool, and to explore the possibility of finding the needed local support to serve as an Affiliate. 


Kids Voting USA, as of 2015, is operated under the administration of the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education (aka Arizona Bar Foundation).  We invite you to review the history page of this website to learn of the dedicated people, across the nation, who have stepped up to assure that Kids Voting USA continues to strive toward the mission of creating lifelong voting habits in children, increasing family communication about citizenship, and encouraging greater adult voter turnout.

As a national nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program, Kids Voting USA relies on local Affiliates to keep the program meeting local needs and honoring our country’s founding philosophy of “We the People” as key to our democracy and this program.

Many of our Affiliates further localize their support through Sub-Affiliate groups. Other states have chosen to meet the needs of their state by having multiple main Affiliates.  You will find details of the current states offering KV USA programs below.  Our Affiliates by State: